Tuesday, June 24, 2003

SNK's Advanced Mode

This mode is what essentially replaced the extra mode. To concentrate more clearly on the super bars, it ultilizes something much like SFA's. "Levels" of super are stored, however in this case, they are called "stocks". The stocks charge up pretty quickly since attacking makes them charge up. As you can see, coupled with the ability to roll, Advanced mode is very offensive oriented. Supers can charge up fast if you know what to do. The trade-off to this is that when you reach critical/red flashing area of the life bar, well.....there is none. That means no more infinite supers as in extra mode.

However a positive is that you can pull off a super at any time you want more quickly and strategically since it's all charged up. Unlike in Extra mode where when you charge up and get to do a DM, people go apeshit to get away from you, waiting for your opputunity to lay down the hurt on their asses.

The other trade off, coupled with the lack of infinite supers at critical, is that you will have to waste two stocks of super to access "Max" mode and thus perform a SDM. In essence you are somewhat wasting twice the time to charge up in order to perform a SDM, but you do have to realize the fact that your super bar charges up that much faster in Advanced Mode.

As the Extra bar, the MAX bar in Advanced Mode charges down slowly as the match continues.

The final point to be made about Advanced mode is how each time you lose a team-mate to a KO, you gain an extra space to put a "stock" into up to a maximum of five stocks. Basically fully charged, you have a possible 2 SDMs & 1 DM or 5 DMs at your disposal at any time you choose during the match. In a way to really construct your team, as your team-mate get's KO'd, they might actually give, or take away stocks for the next person in line.

Stocks are usually carried over, but sometimes if the person hates/likes the next person in line, they would tend to take/give extra stocks away/to them. On a professional level, this doesn't really matter since to some degree, "stocks" can be built up pretty quickly and ultimatly team organization is more important towards who counters which opponent well, as opposed to who likes who on your team.